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Well, we just did assemble our first vectrex program and let
it run (or didn't you?). What small things can be done to the
above program, so that we can learn a bit more about vectrex?
Let us now change the size of the text.
This is fairly simple, since only a changing of a BIOS RAM
location is neccessary. The 'variable' responsible is Vec_Text_HW
($C82A), which is a word pointer. It consists of two byte
variables, namely Vec_Text_Height ($C82A) and Vec_Text_Width
($C82B). As mentioned above the height is a negative size. The
default size is $F848, which is heigth=-8 and width=72. Well,
these are just numbers they don't tell me anything. What these
numbers actually are is the 'speed' of the vector beam as
described in 'Length of vectors /
Scale'. Just experiment with the numbers to get a feeling for
which numbers represent the display size you want.
Before the 'main:' line in the 'HELLO WORLD' example enter the
following lines:
LDA #$F1 ; HEIGTH (big=-14)
LDB #$60 ; WIDTH (big=96)
STA Vec_Text_Height ; store heigth
STB Vec_Text_Width ; store width
(NOTE, instead of the more obvious code above you can also
abriviate like:
LDD #$F160 ; HEIGTH, WIDTH (-14, 96)
STD Vec_Text_HW ; store to BIOS RAM location
This gives you a larger text display. Note, to center the text
you might also want to change the Y, X position (see example
further below).
We can also change the brightness of the text, there are some
other 'static' functions for intensity, like:
Intensity_1F ($F29D)
Intensity_3F ($F2A1)
Intensity_5F ($F2A5)
Intensity_7F ($F2A9)
Just call them instead of the Intensity_5F ($F2A5) in the
example (you must change the 'defines' in the header section
too). There also is a 'variable' intensity function, Intensity_a
($F2AB). As you might have guessed, this function expects a
parameter in the A register. The value in A is the intensity
which will be set by the function.
So... by now we can change three settings: position, size and
brightness. If you like exercizing you might try a HELLO WORLD
which bounces the text around the screen, changes text size and
brightness at every bounce (or something like that).
You might also want to take a look at the following BIOS
functions (Appendix A), they all have
some relation to string printing. The later functions print a
group (list) of strings.
Print_Str_hwyx ($F373)
Print_Str_yx ($F378)
Print_Str_d ($F37A)
Print_Str ($F495)
Print_List_hw ($F385)
Print_List ($F38A)
Print_List_chk ($F38C)
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