; can be assembled correctly now ; compatibilty added by Christopher Salomon ; ; assenmble with comand line: ; .\ass\as09.exe -w200 -h0 -l -mcti art.asm >error ; ; used the 6809 assembler: ; as09 [1.11]. ; Copyright 1990-1994, Frank A. Vorstenbosch, Kingswood Software. ; Available at: ; http://www.falstaff.demon.co.uk/cross.html * * This work was originally done by Fred Taft (fred@hp-pcd.cv.hp.com). * Please forward any comments, corrections or additions back to Fred. * * Art Master include "taft.i" noopt direct -1 org $0000; DB "g GCE 1983",$80; DW AM_music; DB $F8;* height DB $40;* width DB $20;* rel y DB $EC;* rel x DB "ART", $80; DB $F8;* height DB $40;* width DB $04;* rel y DB $E0;* rel x DB "MASTER", $80, $00; * * Art Master * * This is the entry point for the Art Master game. * It initializes the RAM area used by the game, initializes * the music buffer, sets up the indirect jump location * in C8A7, and lastly, passes control to the main loop. start: nop; jsr am_clear_game_RAM; jsr reinit; jsr init_music_buf; clr $C856; jsr do_sound; ldx #display_main_menu; stx $C8A7; clr $C81E; * * main_loop() * * This main loop is responsible for reading the buttons * on the primary console, continuing any sounds which * are in progress, and then calling whichever handling * routine has been set up in the indirect jump location. * After this, it recalibrates the integraters, and then * repeats the above. main_loop: jsr read_switches2; jsr check_for_end_of_sound; P0040: jsr do_sound; lda $C81B; * Keep track of the fact that sta $C81E; * a string was picked last pass clr $C81B; * thru the main loop. jsr [$C8A7]; P0050: jsr waitrecal; jmp main_loop; SM_ERASE_STR: DB $E8; DB $20; DB $80; DB $30; DW $005C; DB "ERASE",$80; SM_MENU_STR: DB $E8; DB $20; DB $80; DB $50; DW $0068; DB "MENU", $80; SM_NEXT_STR: DB $E8; DB $20; DB $80; DB $A0; DW $0073; DB "NEXT", $80; SM_LAST_STR: DB $E8; DB $20; DB $80; DB $C0; DW $007E; DB "LAST", $80; SM_PLAY_STR: DB $E8; DB $20; DB $80; DB $E0; DW $0089; DB "PLAY", $80; SM_CREATE_STR: DB $E8; DB $20; DB $80; DB $28; DW $0094; DB "CREATE", $80; * * The next 3 blocks of code cause the three main * menu items (sketch, connect and animate) to be * displayed, until one of them is picked by the * lightpen (a pick is indicated by C89E != 0). * When a pick occurs, the counter in C888 * is set, and the jump location (C8A7) is set so that * only the picked option is displayed. display_main_menu: jsr intensity_to_7F; ldu #MM_SKETCH_STR; jsr print_with_pick_check; tst $C89E; beq disp_mm_connect_str; lda #$0A; sta $C888; ldx #disp_only_mm_sketch_str; stx $C8A7; rts; disp_mm_connect_str: ldu #MM_CONNECT_STR; jsr print_with_pick_check; tst $C89E; beq disp_mm_animate_str; lda #$0A; sta $C888; ldx #disp_only_mm_connect_str; stx $C8A7; rts; disp_mm_animate_str: ldu #MM_ANIMATE_STR; jsr print_with_pick_check; tst $C89E; beq P00E3; ldx #disp_only_mm_animate_str; stx $C8A7; lda #$0A; sta $C888; rts; P00E3: rts; * * Continue to display the ANIMATE main menu item, * until either the loop counter (C888) decrements * to zero (at which point the ANIMATE activity starts), * or the string is no longer picked (then display the * main menu again). disp_only_mm_animate_str: jsr intensity_to_7F; ldu #MM_ANIMATE_STR; jsr print_with_pick_check; tst $C89E; bne P00F9; ldx #display_main_menu; stx $C8A7; rts; P00F9: dec $C888; beq P00FF; rts; P00FF: jmp start_of_animate; * * Continue to display the SKETCH main menu item, * until either the loop counter (C888) decrements * to zero (at which point the SKETCH activity starts), * or the string is no longer picked (then display the * main menu again). disp_only_mm_sketch_str: jsr intensity_to_7F; ldu #MM_SKETCH_STR; jsr print_with_pick_check; tst $C89E; bne P0117; ldx #display_main_menu; stx $C8A7; rts; P0117: dec $C888; beq P011D; rts; P011D: clr $C8A6; * Flag this is sketch mode ldx #start_of_sketch_connect; stx $C8A7; rts; * * Continue to display the CONNECT main menu item, * until either the loop counter (C888) decrements * to zero (at which point the CONNECT activity starts), * or the string is no longer picked (then display the * main menu again). disp_only_mm_connect_str: jsr intensity_to_7F; ldu #MM_CONNECT_STR; jsr print_with_pick_check; tst $C89E; bne P013C; ldx #display_main_menu; stx $C8A7; rts; P013C: dec $C888; beq P0142; rts; P0142: lda #$FF; sta $C8A6; * CONNECT option sta $C8A5; * Do dots first ldx #start_of_sketch_connect; stx $C8A7; rts; HDR_CREATE_STR: DB $E8; DB $40; DB $7F; DB $E8; DW $0157; DB "CREATE", $80; HDR_EDIT_STR: DB $E8; DB $40; DB $7F; DB $F0; DW $0164; DB "EDIT", $80; MM_SKETCH_STR: DB $E0; DB $40; DB $40; DB $E0; DW $016F; DB "SKETCH", $80; MM_CONNECT_STR: DB $E0; DB $40; DB $00; DB $DC; DW $017C; DB "CONNECT", $80; MM_ANIMATE_STR: DB $E0; DB $40; DB $C0; DB $DC; DW $018A; DB "ANIMATE", $80; * * This is the vector list which describes the box * which is sometimes drawn around a selected point. * The list has the following format: * * line pattern, rel y, rel x * * A line pattern of 1 signals the end. box: DB $00; DB $20; DB $20; DB $FF; DB $00; DB $C0; DB $FF; DB $C0; DB $00; DB $FF; DB $00; DB $40; DB $FF; DB $40; DB $00; DB $01; * * am_clear_game_RAM() * * Clear to zero, the block of RAM which is used * by the Art Master game: C880 - CB7F am_clear_game_RAM: ldx #$C880; P01A5: clr ,x+; cmpx #$CB80; bne P01A5; rts; * * draw_previous_frame() * * This routine gets information for the previous frame * during ANIMATE mode. It will then use the new * frame number to index into the structure starting * at C977 (the vectors for this frame), using the * following formula: * * C917 = (previous_frame_num* 64) + C977 * * Afterwards, it will draw the vectors associated with * this frame, using a small intensity, thus allowing the * user to see the previous frame he made. draw_previous_frame: lda $C8A5; bne P01B3; rts; P01B3: deca; ldb #$20; aslb; mul; ldx #$C977; leax d,x; stx $C917; lda #$48; jsr intensity_to_a; jsr draw_all_visible_lines; jsr draw_points_without_pick; rts; * * select_a_frame (frame_num) * * This procedure selects a particular frame * as the active frame, and returns a pointer * to the vector list associated with that frame * in the 'x' register. At entry, the 'b' register * specifies which frame is to be selected. select_a_frame: aslb; lda #$20; * " " mul; ldx #$C977; leax d,x; rts; * * This is the starting point for the * ANIMATE main menu option. start_of_animate: jsr am_clear_game_RAM; jsr init_animate_variables; clr $C8A3; clr $C8A6; return_to_frame1: clr $C8A5; ldd #$FFFF; std $C910; ldx #animate_handler; stx $C8A7; rts; * * advance_to_next_frame() * * This procedure first checks to see if we will be * entering a virgin frame (C8A5 == C8A6), and if we * are, then it copies the data in the current frames * vector list area into the area associated with the * next frame. In any case, the frame counter is * incremented, and if this is a virgin frame, then * C8A6 is updated to reflect the fact that we have * now advanced into a new frame. advance_to_next_frame: ldb $C8A5; * If C8A5 == C8A6, then init cmpb $C8A6; * the new vector list area. bne P020F; jsr select_a_frame; clrb; P01FE: lda 0,x; * Copy vector list info from sta $40,x; * current frame to new frame. lda 1,x; sta $41,x; leax 2,x; incb; cmpb #$20; bne P01FE; P020F: inc $C8A5; * Increment the frame counter, and lda $C8A5; * update C8A6 if this is a virgin cmpa $C8A6; * frame being entered. ble P021D; sta $C8A6; P021D: ldx #edit_handler; stx $C8A7; rts; * * animate_handler() * * This procedure is responsible for overseeing the * work done by the ANIMATE command. It is invoked * through the indirect jump location. animate_handler: jsr display_frame_num; jsr reset0ref; ldx #$C977; * Reset pointer to the stx $C917; * first frame. clr $C914; jsr intensity_to_7F; jsr find_lightpen_pick; jsr draw_all_visible_lines; jsr reset0ref; ldu #HDR_CREATE_STR; jsr am_print_string; ldd $C915; * If a vector was picked, then cmpd #$FFFF; * highlight it, by redrawing beq P0269; * it several times. tfr d,u; jsr draw_line_between_2_points; jsr draw_line_between_2_points; jsr draw_line_between_2_points; tst $C815; * If button 4 (delete) is beq P0269; * pressed, then remove the tfr u,x; * indexes for this line from P0260: ldd 2,x; * the line array. std ,x++; cmpx #$C90D; bne P0260; P0269: jsr process_button1_and_2; tsta; beq disp_sm_erase_str; * If button 2 was pressed, tst $C813; * then add the indexes for beq disp_sm_erase_str; * the line endpoints to the ldd $C910; * line array (C8A9-C90E). jsr add_a_new_line; * * disp_sm_erase_str() * * Display the ERASE sub-menu string, while the * ANIMATE option is in CREATE mode. If the * string is picked (C89E != 0) while button 3 * is pressed (C814 != 0), then jump to the routine * which re_initializes the animate buffers and * variables; this erases the all current frames. disp_sm_erase_str: jsr check_for_move_request; ldu #SM_ERASE_STR; jsr print_with_pick_check; tst $C814; beq disp_sm_next_str; tst $C89E; beq disp_sm_next_str; jmp start_of_animate; * * disp_sm_next_str() * * Display the NEXT sub-menu string, while the * ANIMATE option is in CREATE mode. If the string * is picked (C89E != 0) while button 3 is pressed * (C814 != 0), then advance to the next ANIMATE frame. disp_sm_next_str: ldu #SM_NEXT_STR; jsr print_with_pick_check; tst $C814; beq disp_sm_menu_str; tst $C89E; beq disp_sm_menu_str; jsr advance_to_next_frame; clr $C913; jsr set_up_a_misc_sound1; rts; * * disp_sm_menu_str() * * Display the MENU sub-menu string, while the * ANIMATE option is in CREATE mode. If the string * is picked (C89E != 0) while button 3 is pressed * (C814 != 0), then exit from ANIMATE mode, and return * to the main menu. disp_sm_menu_str: ldu #SM_MENU_STR; jsr print_with_pick_check; tst $C814; beq P02C0; tst $C89E; beq P02C0; ldx #display_main_menu; stx $C8A7; P02C0: rts; DB $E8; * height of FR string DB $40; * width of FR string DB $7F; * rel y of FR string DB $40; * rel x of FR string DW $C92A; * pointer to start of FR string * * edit_handler() * * This procedure is responsible for processing the * buttons during the EDIT portion of ANIMATE mode. * It also displays the EDIT header, and the sub-menu * items (if they have not bee disabled). This is * invoked only through the indirect jump location. edit_handler: tst $C913; * See if a background image beq P02CF; * needs to be displayed. jsr draw_previous_frame; P02CF: ldb $C8A5; jsr select_a_frame; stx $C917; jsr intensity_to_7F; ldb $C8A5; jsr find_lightpen_pick; jsr draw_all_visible_lines; jsr check_for_move_request; tst $C815; * Check button 4 (background) beq P02EF; com $C913; * Toggle state of background flag P02EF: tst $C812; * Check button 1 (foreground) beq P02F7; com $C914; * Toggle state of foreground flag P02F7: jsr reset0ref; ldu #HDR_EDIT_STR; * Display EDIT screen header jsr am_print_string; tst $C914; * See if sub-menu should be displayed beq disp_sm_menu_str2; rts; * * display_frame_num() * * Display the frame number string: * * "FR #",$80 display_frame_num: lda #$46; * "F" ldb #$52; * "R" std $C92A; lda #$20; * " " sta $C92C; lda #$80; sta $C92E; lda $C8A5; adda #$31; * "1" sta $C92D; ldu #$02C1; jsr reset0ref; jsr delay_b_3; jsr am_print_string; rts; * * disp_sm_menu_str2() * * Display the MENU sub-menu string, while the * ANIMATE option is in EDIT mode. If the string * is picked (C89E != 0) while button 3 is pressed * (C814 != 0), then exit from ANIMATE mode, and return * to the main menu. disp_sm_menu_str2: jsr display_frame_num; ldu #SM_MENU_STR; jsr print_with_pick_check; tst $C814; beq disp_sm_create_str; tst $C89E; beq disp_sm_create_str; ldx #display_main_menu; stx $C8A7; P0345: rts; * * disp_sm_create_str() * * Display the CREATE sub-menu string, while the * ANIMATE option is in EDIT mode. If the string * is picked (C89E != 0) while button 3 is pressed * (C814 != 0), then exit from EDIT mode, and return * to CREATE mode. disp_sm_create_str: ldu #SM_CREATE_STR; jsr print_with_pick_check; tst $C814; beq disp_sm_next_str2; tst $C89E; beq disp_sm_next_str2; ldu #SM_ERASE_STR; stu $C81C; jmp return_to_frame1; * * disp_sm_next_str2() * * Display the NEXT sub-menu string, while the * ANIMATE option is in EDIT mode. If the string * is picked (C89E != 0) while button 3 is pressed * (C814 != 0), then advance to the next frame, and * make a sound also. disp_sm_next_str2: lda $C8A5; * Only display this label if we cmpa #$08; * are not already at last frame beq disp_sm_last_str; ldu #SM_NEXT_STR; jsr print_with_pick_check; tst $C814; beq disp_sm_last_str; tst $C89E; beq disp_sm_last_str; lda $C8A5; * Increment the frame counter cmpa #$08; beq disp_sm_last_str; jsr advance_to_next_frame; jsr set_up_a_misc_sound1; rts; * * disp_sm_last_str() * * Display the LAST sub-menu string, while the * ANIMATE option is in EDIT mode. If the string * is picked (C89E != 0) while button 3 is pressed * (C814 != 0), then display the previous frame, and * make a sound also. disp_sm_last_str: tst $C8A5; * Only display this label if not beq disp_sm_play_str; * already at first frame. ldu #SM_LAST_STR; jsr print_with_pick_check; tst $C814; beq disp_sm_play_str; tst $C89E; beq disp_sm_play_str; tst $C8A5; beq disp_sm_play_str; dec $C8A5; * Decrement frame counter ldd #$0040; jsr set_up_a_misc_sound2; rts; * * disp_sm_play_str() * * Display the PLAY sub-menu string, while the * ANIMATE option is in EDIT mode. If the string * is picked (C89E != 0) while button 3 is pressed * (C814 != 0), then prepare to start playing through * the current set of defined frames. disp_sm_play_str: ldu #SM_PLAY_STR; jsr print_with_pick_check; tst $C814; beq P03C1; tst $C89E; beq P03C1; jsr init_play_variables; ldx #play_handler; stx $C8A7; P03C1: rts; * * check_for_move_request() * * This routine is responsible for checking the state * of button 3 (move a point) during ANIMATE mode. This * is called by the CREATE and EDIT handlers, for each * pass through the handler loop. * * C912 indicates if a move request is currently active. * C90F contains index of currently picked point. * C917 points to the beginning of the vector list. * check_for_move_request: lda $C80F; * Check for button 3 transition anda #$04; * Button 3 = move a point. bne process_move; clr $C912; rts; process_move: tst $C814; * See if button 3 is now pressed beq continue_moving_point; tst $C90F; * Make sure a point is picked bpl start_moving_point; clr $C912; rts; start_moving_point: lda #$FF; sta $C912; * Flag that move is active ldd #$7F81; std $C897; * Set up new cursor movement ldd #$887F; * limits. std $C899; ldb $C90F; aslb; stb $C89D; * Save index of moving point ldx $C917; ldd b,x; * Get point's coordinates std $C895; ldu #$C889; * Move cursor to this point ldx #$C895; jsr set_cursor_structure; rts; continue_moving_point: tst $C912; bne update_moving_point; rts; update_moving_point: ldu #$C889; * Replace the location of jsr update_cursor_position; * the picked point ldb $C89D; * in the vector list. ldx $C917; ldu $C889; stu b,x; jsr reset0ref; tfr u,d; jsr am_move_to_d; ldx #box; * Draw the lightpen box ldb #$10; * around the picked point jsr draw_with_pick_check; rts; * * process_button1_and_2() * * This procedure checks to see if buttons 1 or 2 are * during animate mode. If neither button is pressed, * then this routine returns without doing anything. * However, if either button is pressed, then this routine * attempts to 'locate' the lightpen. If C90F != $FF, * then this implies that the lightpen is already at a * known place (on an existing point); if C90F == $FF, * then a series of horizontal scan lines will be drawn, * until the lightpen is located, or the whole screen is * scanned. * * At entry: * (C8A3)-1 contains index of next available spot * in the vector list. * * At exit time: * 'a' register = 0 => lightpen not located. * 'a' register = FF => lightpen located, and * C910 is set to index of current point, and * C911 is set to index of previous point. process_button1_and_2: lda $C812; * Check if either button 1 or ora $C813; * button 2 is pressed. bne P0437; clra; * Lightpen not located rts; P0437: lda $C90F; * See if the lightpen is on an bmi P0448; * existing point. ldb $C910; * YES it is, so save the index stb $C911; * this point, and the previous sta $C910; * point the lightpen picked. lda #$FF; rts; P0448: jsr scan_screen_for_lightpen; tsta; bne P0450; clra; * Lightpen not located. rts; P0450: lda $C910; * Lightpen located, so save new sta $C911; * cursor position index, and the lda $C8A3; * previous lightpen position. deca; sta $C910; lda #$FF; * Lightpen located rts; * * scan_screen_for_lightpen() * * If the current frame is not filled, then this routine * will perform a full screen scan, in an attempt to * locate the lightpen. If the lightpen is located, then * its position is saved in the next location in the vector * list for all 9 frames. * * At entry: * C917 points to the start of the vector list. * C8A3 contains index into next available place * in the vector list. * * At exit: * 'a' = 0 if lightpen was not located. * 'a' = $FF if lightpen was located. scan_screen_for_lightpen: lda $C8A3; * See if this frame is already full cmpa #$20; bne P0469; clra; rts; P0469: jsr search_screen_for_lightpen; tsta; bne P0471; clra; * Lightpen not found rts; P0471: ldu $C917; * Lightpen was found ldb $C8A3; aslb; stx b,u; * Save lightpen location. inc $C8A3; * Increment vector list index. lda #$08; leau b,u; P0481: leau $40,u; * Add this point to each of the stx 0,u; * 8 other frames. deca; bne P0481; lda #$FF; * Lightpen was found rts; * * find_lightpen_pick() * * This routine draws a dot at each endpoint for every * vector currently defined in the frame vector list. * if a lightpen pick is detected when a dot is drawn, * box will be drawn around that endpoint. The cross * will be drawn at the last known cursor position. * * At entry: * C8A3 contains index of next available spot in * the vector list. * C910 contains index of last known cursor position. * * At exit: * C90F contains index of picked point; $FF if * no point was picked. * * Work variables: * C915 flags if a point was already picked. * C880 contains index into the vector list for the * next endpoint to check. * C881 contains index of picked point. find_lightpen_pick: clr $C915; * Clear 'point picked' flag jsr intensity_to_7F; clr $C880; * Init vector list index to 0 lda #$FF; sta $C881; * Init picked point index to 0 P049A: lda $C880; cmpa $C8A3; * See if we're at end of list bne check_next_endpoint; lda $C881; sta $C90F; * Return index of picked point rts; check_next_endpoint: ldu $C917; jsr reset0ref; ldb $C880; cmpb $C910; * Get the index for the next point bne P04D0; * to be checked, and see if it equals ldx $C8A7; * the index of the cursor position. cmpx #animate_handler; bne P04D0; * If so, then draw the cross at this aslb; * location. ldd b,u; jsr am_move_to_d; ldx #cross; ldb #$10; jsr draw_with_pick_check; jsr reset0ref; P04D0: ldb $C880; aslb; * Draw dot at this endpoint, and see ldd b,u; * if it was picked by the lightpen std $C882; jsr am_move_to_d; ldx #dot_pattern; ldb #$08; jsr draw_with_pick_check; tsta; * Check for a lightpen pick bne P0502; tst $C915; * Ignore, if previous pick occurred bne P0502; tst $C912; * Ignore, if a move is active bne P0502; ldx #box; * Draw a box around this endpoint ldb #$10; jsr draw_with_pick_check; ldb $C880; stb $C881; * Save index of picked point. inc $C915; * Flag that a pick occurred. P0502: inc $C880; bra P049A; * Loop to next point * * draw_points_without_pick() * * This routine goes through the vector list for the * current frame, and draws a dot at each endpoint. * Lightpen picks are ignored. draw_points_without_pick: clr $C880; P050A: lda $C880; * Keep processing, until we reach cmpa $C8A3; * the end of the vector list. bne P0513; rts; P0513: ldu $C917; jsr reset0ref; ldb $C880; aslb; ldd b,u; jsr am_move_to_d; * Move to next endpoint, and ldx #dot_pattern; * draw a dot there. ldb #$08; jsr draw_with_pick_check; inc $C880; bra P050A; * * This is a set of move and draw instructions, * which result in a cross being displayed. cross: DB $00; * move DB $20; DB $00; DB $FF; * draw DB $C0; DB $00; DB $00; * move DB $20; DB $E0; DB $FF; * draw DB $00; DB $40; DB $01; * end of list * * draw_all_visible_lines() * * This routine draws all of the visible lines in * the current animate frame. While these lines are * being drawn, any lightpen picks are saved for later * use. * * C8A9 is start of array containing indexes of * endpoints for each visible line. * * At exit: * C915 points to the index pair, in the line array * (C8A9), of the vector which was picked; $FFFF * if none were picked. draw_all_visible_lines: ldu #$C8A9; * Load addr of line index array ldx #$FFFF; stx $C915; * Init picked vector pointer P0545: ldb 0,u; bpl P054A; rts; P054A: cmpb #$7F; beq P0557; jsr draw_line_between_2_points; tsta; * Check to see if a pick occurred, beq P0557; * and save a pointer to the endpt stu $C915; * index pair in C915, if so. P0557: leau 2,u; bra P0545; * * draw_line_between_2_points() * * Draw a line between the 2 endpoints whose index are * pointed to by the 'u' registe. These 2 indexes are then * then used to index into the vector list array. While * drawing the line, check for a lightpen pick. * * At entry: * 'u' points to the index pairs describing the * starting and ending points for this line. * The indexes are in the following format: * (ending pt index, starting pt index) * * At exit: * 'a' = 0 => vector was not picked. * otherwise, the vector was picked. draw_line_between_2_points: ldb 0,u; aslb; ldx $C917; * Load 'y' with coordinates for leay b,x; * line's endpoint. ldb 1,u; aslb; ldx $C917; * Load 'x' with coordinates for leax b,x; * line's starting point. jsr draw_vector_with_pick_check; rts; * * init_animate_variables() * * This procedure initializes the block of memory * in the range C8A9-C90E to $FF. It is called * when ANIMATE mode is first entered. This block * of memory contains the line endpoint index pairs * for all visible lines. init_animate_variables: ldx #$C8A9; lda #$FF; P0574: sta ,x+; cmpx #$C90F; bne P0574; rts; * * add_a_new_line() * * This routine adds the index pairs describing the * starting and ending points for a line, to the line * endpoint array, at C8A9-C90C. If either of the * indexes is $FF, or if the indexes are the same, then * this point is not added to the array. The indexes are * added to the next available location. * * At entry: * a = ending point index * b = starting point index * add_a_new_line: ldx #$C8A9; P057F: cmpx #$C90D; * Don't bother, if array bne P0585; * is full. P0584: rts; P0585: tsta; * Verify that this is a bmi P0584; * valid set of endpoint tstb; * indexes. bmi P0584; pshs b; cmpa ,s+; beq P0584; tst 0,x; * See if spot is empty bpl P0598; std 0,x; rts; P0598: leax 2,x; * Spot is taken, go onto bra P057F; * next entry location. * * play_handler() * * This is the start of the PLAY command handler. * It will cause all currently defined ANIMATE * frames to be played in succession. play_handler: lda $C91D; * See if the current frame's cmpa $C91E; * display duration has been bne P05AA; * reached. clr $C91D; * Reset duration counter, & goto jsr get_ptrs_to_playback_frames; * next frame. P05AA: jsr fill_playback_buffer; * Display playback buf. ldx #$C933; stx $C917; jsr intensity_to_7F; jsr draw_all_visible_lines; jsr draw_points_without_pick; inc $C91D; * Increment duration counter jsr check_playback_speed_buttons; jsr reset0ref; lda $C80F; * If button 1 or 2 is pressed, anda #$03; * then enter the EDIT portion beq P05D2; * of the ANIMATE code. ldx #edit_handler; stx $C8A7; P05D2: rts; * * init_play_variables() * * This routine is invoked when the user initiates * an animate 'PLAY' request. It will initialize * some of the globals used by the PLAY routines. init_play_variables: clr $C91D; * Clear frame duration counter. lda #$04; sta $C929; * Set default playback speed. jsr update_playback_variables; clr $C920; * Set up to display 1st frame. clr $C921; * Direction flag:0=>frwd,1=>bckwd jsr get_ptrs_to_playback_frames; rts; * * check_playback_speed_buttons() * * This routine monitors buttons 3 (slow) and * 4 (fast) during the PLAY mode portion of the * animate option. The current playback speed is * kept in C929; 0 = fastest, 7 = slowest. check_playback_speed_buttons: tst $C814; bne decrease_playback_speed; tst $C815; bne increase_playback_speed; rts; * * decrease_playback_speed() * * Decrease the playback speed (by incrementing C929) decrease_playback_speed: lda $C929; cmpa #$07; bne P05FB; rts; P05FB: inc $C929; lda $C91D; asla; * Increase duration counter for sta $C91D; * this frame. jsr update_playback_variables; rts; * * increase_playback_speed() * * Increase the playback speed (by decrementing C929) increase_playback_speed: tst $C929; bne P060F; rts; P060F: dec $C929; lda $C91D; ASRA; * Decrease duration counter sta $C91D; * for this frame. jsr update_playback_variables; rts; * * update_playback_variables() * * This routine uses the current playback speed, in C929, * to index into the structure at 0632 (playback_speed_info). * From this structure, two values are obtained: a 1 byte bit * pattern, and a two byte jump address. These two * values are used by the playback routines. update_playback_variables: ldx #playback_speed_info; ldb $C929; lda #$03; mul; abx; lda ,x+; sta $C91E; ldd ,x++; std $C922; rts; * * Table with the following format: * * 1 byte value * 2 byte subroutine address. * * The information here is used during the PLAY * mode of ANIMATE. The playback speed (in C929) * is used to index into this structure. An index * of 7 is for slowest playback, and an index of 0 * is for fastest playback. playback_speed_info: DB $01; DW $0720; DB $02; DW $071E; DB $04; DW $071C; DB $08; DW $071A; DB $10; DW $0718; DB $20; DW $0716; DB $40; DW $0714; DB $80; DW $0712; * * get_ptrs_to_playback_frames() * * This routine is used during the playback mode portion * of animate. If loads C924 with a pointer to the * frame buffer for the current buffer, and C926 with a * a pointer to the frame buffer for the next buffer to * be displayed. It will then increment the buffer index, * in C920. * * At entry: * C920 contains the index of the current frame. * * At exit: * C920 is incremented to index next frame. * C924 points to frame buffer for current frame. * C926 points to frame buffer for next frame. * get_ptrs_to_playback_frames: lda $C920; * Load index of current frame. sta $C91F; jsr update_play_index_to_next_frame; ldx #frame_buf_pointers; lda $C91F; asla; ldd a,x; * Load C924 with ptr to frame buf std $C924; * for the current frame. lda $C920; asla; ldd a,x; * Load C926 with ptr to frame buf std $C926; * for the next frame. rts; * * This is an array of word pointers. These point * to the beginning of the buffer area associated * with each of the animate frames. Each frame is * 64 bytes long. frame_buf_pointers: DW $C977; DW $C9B7; DW $C9F7; DW $CA37; DW $CA77; DW $CAB7; DW $CAF7; DW $CB37; DW $CB77; DW $CBB7; DW $CBF7; * * update_play_index_to_next_frame() * * This routine updates the frame index (C920), * to index the next frame to be displayed. If we * are currently displaying in the forward direction, * then this will be incremented. If we are currently * displaying in the backward direction, then this will * be decremented. If we reach the first/last frame, * then the direction will be changed. update_play_index_to_next_frame: tst $C921; * Check 4 frwd/bkwd display order. bne backward_order; lda $C920; * Increment, if not at last frame. cmpa $C8A6; beq start_backwards; inc $C920; rts; start_backwards: lda #$FF; * Set direction flag to 'backwards'. sta $C921; dec $C920; * Decrement to previous frame. rts; backward_order: tst $C920; * Decrement, if not at first frame. beq start_forward; dec $C920; rts; start_forward clr $C921; * Set direction flag to 'forwards'. inc $C920; * Increment to next frame. rts; * * fill_playback_buffer() * * This routine fills the playback buffer (C933-????) * with the (y,x) coordinate pairs for the currently * visible frame. It does this by taking each coordinate * in the current frame, and the corresponding coordinate * in the next frame, and doing some sort of extrapolation * on them, to end up with the final endpoint. * * At entry: * C924 points to frame buffer for current frame. * C926 points to frame buffer for next frame. * C933 is start of playback buffer. * C8A3 specifies number of defined points in a frame. * fill_playback_buffer: ldx $C924; * Pointer to current frame. ldy $C926; * Ptr to next (transition) frame. ldu #$C933; * Addr of playback buffer. lda $C8A3; * # of points in frame buffer. sta $C880; P06B9: tst $C880; beq P06DB; lda ,x+; * Load both 'y' coordinates. ldb ,y+; std $C82E; jsr merge_coordinates; stb ,u+; * Save final 'y' coordinate. lda ,x+; * Load both 'x' coordinates. ldb ,y+; std $C82E; jsr merge_coordinates; stb ,u+; * Save final 'x' coordinate. dec $C880; bra P06B9; P06DB: rts; * * merge_coordinates() * * This routine takes a pair of coordinates (2 'x' or * 2 'y') and extrapolates a new value. This new coordinate * is what is displayed by the playback routine. * * At entry: * C82E has coordinate for current frame. * C82F has coordinate for next frame. * * At exit: * 'b' contains modified coordinate. merge_coordinates: ldb $C82E; * Get coord for current frame. sex; pshs a,b; ldb $C82F; * Get coord for next frame. sex; subd ,s++; bpl P0701; negb; lda $C91D; mul; jsr [$C922]; coma; comb; addd #$0001; pshs a,b; ldb $C82E; sex; addd ,s++; rts; P0701: lda $C91D; mul; jsr [$C922]; pshs a,b; ldb $C82E; sex; addd ,s++; rts; P0712: ASRA; rorb; P0714: ASRA; rorb; P0716: ASRA; rorb; P0718: ASRA; rorb; P071A: ASRA; rorb; P071C: ASRA; rorb; P071E: ASRA; rorb; P0720: rts; * * search_screen_for_lightpen() * * This routine attempts to locate the location of the * lightpen, by drawing a series of horizontal scan lines. * Starting from the bottom of the display, a series of * lines are drawn, until either a lightpen pick occurs, * or the last scan line is drawn. If a lightpen pick * occurs, then that particular scan line will again be * drawn, only this time, interrupts will be enabled, so * that the exact location of the pick can be determined. * * At exit: * 'a' = 0 if lightpen was not located. * 'a' = $FF if lightpen was located. * * Work variables: * C881 contains the number of scan lines left to draw. * C882-C883 contain starting point for next scan line. search_screen_for_lightpen: lda #$7A; sta $C881; * Init # of scan lines to draw ldd #$8880; std $C882; * Init start pt for first scan line P072C: tst $C881; bne draw_scan_line; jsr reset0ref; clra; * If we make it to here, then the rts; * lightpen was not found. draw_scan_line: jsr reset0ref; ldd $C882; * Move to start of scan line jsr move_pen7F_to_d; clr <$01; clr <$00; ldb #$FF; stb <$04; inc <$00; lda #$7F; sta <$01; ldd #$FF40; sta <$0A; * Use solid line pattern. clr <$05; P0754: bitb <$0D; beq P0754; clr <$0A; lda #$02; * Check for a lightpen pick bita <$0D; bne find_point_of_intersection; dec $C881; * No lightpen pick, so continue lda $C882; * to draw the next scan line. adda #$02; * Draw on everyother horz line. sta $C882; bra P072C; * * find_point_of_intersection() * * This routine is responsible for locating the exact * location of the lightpen, after a pick has occurred * while a scan line was being drawn. It does this in * the following manner: * * The pen is moved back to the start of the previous * scan line, and lightpen interrupts are enabled. * Next, the scan line is redrawn; while this is going * on, a timing (counter) loop is executed. If the * timing loop completes, then it implies that the * lightpen was not located; interrupts will be disabled, * and control will return to the procedure which had * originally invoked the scan line routine. * However, if the lightpen interrupts, then the timing * loop is interrupted, and the ISR handling routine is * called. This handler will calculate the exact location * of the lightpen, using the value in the counter. If * an interrupt occurs, control will never return to * this routine; control returns directly to the routine * which had invoked the scan line routine. The location * of the 'pick' is returned in the 'x' register. find_point_of_intersection: jsr reset0ref; ldd $C882; * Move to start of scan line jsr move_pen7F_to_d; andcc #$EF; * Enable IRQ on 6809 lda #$82; * Enable CA1 on PIA sta <$0E; lda #$7E; * Set up IRQ handler sta $CBF8; ldd #ISR_handler; std $CBF9; clr <$01; * Redraw the scan line clr <$00; clr <$04; nop; inc <$00; lda #$20; sta <$01; lda #$FF; sta <$0A; ldb #$7F; lda #$05; sta <$05; P079E: decb; * Wait for interrupt; counter loop brn P079E; bne P079E; clr <$05; jsr disable_interrupts; clra; * Lightpen not found rts; * * disable_interrupts() * * This routine is responsible for disabling lightpen * interrupts. disable_interrupts: clra; sta <$0E; * Disable CA1 on PIA sta <$01; sta <$0D; orcc #$10; * Disable IRQ on 6809 jsr reset0ref; rts; * * process_ISR() * * This procedure performs most of the work involved, * whenever the lightpen generates an interrupt. It * uses the counter value, in the 'b' register, to * calculate the x coordinate of the lightpen. The * intersection point is returned in the 'x' register. * This routine returns to the routine which invoked * the scan line search routine. process_ISR: com <$0A; clr <$05; subb #$7F; * Calculate x coordinate negb; aslb; sex; subd #$0080; lda $C882; * Retrieve y coordinate tfr d,x; jsr disable_interrupts; lda #$FF; * Lightpen found rts; * * ISR_handler() * * This is the entry point called by the OS, whenever the * lightpen generates an IRQ interrupt. This procedure * discards the 12 bytes of saved state information * placed on the stack by the 6809, including the return * address for the interrupted routine. Then it calls the * process_ISR() routine, to process the IRQ request. ISR_handler: com <$0A; leas 12,s; jmp process_ISR; DB $12; * * draw_with_pick_check(vector_list, scale) * * This procedure will perform a series of move and * draw requests, as specified in the passed in vector * list. The vector list must have the following format: * * mode, rel y, rel x * | | | * | | relative x position * | relative y positon * FF - draw * 0 - move * 1 - end o list * * NOTE: the mode also acts as the line pattern. * * At entry: 'x' contains pointer to the vector list. * 'b' contains the scale factor to be used. * * At exit: 'a' contains the index of the point being * drawn when the lightpen detected a pick. * $FF if no pick occurred. draw_with_pick_check: clr -1,s; * Temporary storage of current pt # lda #$FF; sta -2,s; * Temporary storage of last pt picked stb <$04; P07DE: ldd 1,x; sta <$01; * Set rel y position. clr <$00; lda 0,x; * Get the mode. leax 3,x; * Increment ptr to next entry. inc <$00; stb <$01; * Set rel x position. sta <$0A; * Set line pattern. clr <$05; ldd #$0040; P07F3: bitb <$0D; beq P07F3; exg x,x; sta <$0A; lda <$0D; * Check for a lightpen pick anda #$02; beq P0805; lda -1,s; sta -2,s; * Save the current pt #. P0805: inc -1,s; * Increment the current pt # lda 0,x; ble P07DE; lda -2,s; * Return index if any pt picked. rts; * * This routine appears to not be used anywhere!! P080E: sta -2,s; clr -1,s; stb <$04; P0814: ldd 1,x; sta <$01; clr <$00; lda 0,x; leax 3,x; inc <$00; stb <$01; ldb -2,s; cmpb -1,s; beq P082A; clrb; clra; P082A: sta <$0A; clr <$05; ldd #$0040; P0831: bitb <$0D; beq P0831; exg x,x; sta <$0A; inc -1,s; lda 0,x; ble P0814; rts; * * draw_vector_with_pick_check() * * This routine draws a vector, starting at (y,x) endpoint * pointed to by the 'x' register, to the (y,x) endpoint * pointed to by the 'y' register. A value is returned * which indicates whether or not a lightpen pick occurred * while the vector was being drawn. * * At entry: * 'x' points to (y,x) pair for starting point. * 'y' points to (y,x) pair for ending point. * * At exit: * 'a' = 0 => no pick * otherwise a pick occurred. draw_vector_with_pick_check: jsr reset0ref; lda #$FF; sta $C880; lda #$01; sta $C883; lda 0,x; * Move to starting point sta <$01; clr <$00; lda 1,x; ldb #$7F; stb <$04; ldb #$CE; stb <$0C; inc <$00; sta <$01; clr <$05; jsr calculate_vector_endpoint; ldx #am_scale_factors; ldb b,x; lda #$40; P086D: bita <$0D; beq P086D; ldx #$C880; jsr draw_with_pick_check; coma; rts; * * calculate_vector_endpoint() * * This routine takes an absolute starting point, and an * absolute ending point, and calculates the relative * (y,x) pair for the vector between these two points. * It also returns an index into the scale factor array, * indicating which scale factor should be used when * drawing the vector. * * At entry: * 'y' points to (y,x) endpoint. * 'x' points to (y,x) starting point. * * At exit: * C881-C882 contain relative (y,x) endpoint. * 'b' contains the index of the scale factor to use. calculate_vector_endpoint: lda 0,y; * Determine delta y. suba 0,x; lbvs P08BA; ldb 1,y; * Determine delta x. subb 1,x; lbvs P08BA; std $C881; jsr get_absolute_value_of_ab; pshs b; cmpa ,s+; bhs P0897; tfr b,a; P0897: cmpa #$3F; bls P089E; ldb #$02; rts; P089E: cmpa #$1F; bls P08AD; ldd $C881; asla; aslb; std $C881; ldb #$03; rts; P08AD: ldd $C881; asla; asla; aslb; aslb; std $C881; ldb #$04; rts; P08BA: ldb 0,x; sex; pshs a,b; ldb 0,y; sex; subd ,s++; pshs a,b; ldb 1,x; sex; pshs a,b; ldb 1,y; sex; subd ,s++; lsra; rorb; tfr d,x; puls a,b; lsra; rorb; tfr d,y; tfr y,d; stb $C881; tfr x,d; stb $C882; ldb #$01; rts; am_scale_factors: DB $00; DB $FF; DB $7F; DB $3E; DB $1E; DB $0D; * * set_cursor_structure (cursor_ptr, data_ptr) * * This routine appears to copy the data pointer to * by the 'x' register into the cursor structure, which * is pointed to by the 'u' register. * The cursor struct is 12 bytes long, and is laid out * as follows: * * ************************ * * cursor rel y pos * * ************************ * * cursor rel x pos * * ************************ * * found this pass flag* * ************************\ * * cursor y delta * \ * ************************ > Used when moving cursor * * cursor x delta * / to follow light pen * *********************** * * found last pass flag* * ************************ * * max y position * * ************************ * * min x position * * ************************ * * min y position * * ************************ * * max x position * * ************************ * * ptr to line pattern * * ** array used when ** * * drawing search webs * * ************************ set_cursor_structure: ldd ,x++; std 0,u; ldd ,x++; std 6,u; ldd ,x++; std 8,u; ldd #whole_search_pattern; std 10,u; clr 5,u; rts; * * update_cursor_position() * * This routine attempts to move the cursor so that * it 'stays' with the lightpen. First, it sees if * the lightpen is still within 'sight' of the cursor. * This is done by draw a series of 'spider web' patterns, * until the lightpen is found, or the max web is drawn. * Then it takes the deltas calculated by the search routine, * adds them to the current cursor position, performs some * bounds checks, and updates the line patterns used when * drawing the search webs. update_cursor_position: jsr find_lightpen; * Try to find lightpen. lda 2,u; * Proceed only if the lightpen cmpa #$FF; * is currently at the cursor. bne P0983; ldb 0,u; * Get y position, & extend to 16 bits sex; pshs a,b; ldb 3,u; * Get new y delta sex; addd ,s++; * Add together pshs a,b; ldb 6,u; * Compare new coordinate to max y sex; * value. Use max y value, if new cmpd 0,s; * coordinate is too big. bgt P092B; leas 2,s; ldx #lower_search_pattern; stx 10,u; * Use lower search pattern lda 6,u; sta 0,u; bra P0949; P092B: ldb 8,u; * Compare new coordinate to min y sex; * value. Use min y value if new cmpd 0,s; * cordinate is too small. blt P0940; leas 2,s; ldx #upper_search_pattern; stx 10,u; * Use upper search pattern lda 8,u; sta 0,u; bra P0949; P0940: ldd ,s++; * Save new y coordinate in the stb 0,u; * cursor structure. ldx #whole_search_pattern; stx 10,u; * Use whole search pattern. P0949: ldb 1,u; * Load current x coordinate, and sex; * extend it to 16 bits. pshs a,b; ldb 4,u; sex; addd ,s++; * Add the new x delta. pshs a,b; ldb 9,u; * Compare new x coordinate to max x sex; * value. Use max value if new coord cmpd 0,s; * is too big. bgt P096A; leas 2,s; ldx #left_search_pattern; stx 10,u; * Use left search pattern lda 9,u; sta 1,u; bra P0983; P096A: ldb 7,u; * Compare new coordinate to min x sex; * value. Use min value, if new cmpd 0,s; * coordinate is too small. blt P097F; leas 2,s; ldx #right_search_pattern; stx 10,u; * Use right search pattern lda 7,u; sta 1,u; bra P0983; P097F: ldd ,s++; * Save new x coordinate stb 1,u; P0983: rts; * * find_lightpen() * * This routine is used by a portion of the animate code * to locate the lightpen, so that the cursor may track * it. It does this in the following manner: * * Firstly, it moves to the last known location of * the cursor, and draws a dot. It a lightpen pick * occurs, then no further searching is needed; the * lightpen has not moved. However, if the lightpen * has moved, then we must perform a more extensive * search. However, if the lightpen was not found * the last time we searched for it, then we won't * bother searching for it now; we don't want to * continually clutter the screen with our search * patterns! * * Secondly, we will draw a series of ever increasing * 8 sided spider webs. If, while drawing one of these * search patterns, a lightpen pick is detected, then * we will determine which vector of the pattern was * picked, and we will calculate a cursor movement * delta dependent upon the scale factor used and the * vector picked. * * Depending upon the vector picked, the base delta * value will be either -1, 0, or +1. This will then * be multiplied by a scale value, which is obtained * by using the scale factor index to index into a * multiplier array. The new deltas are saved in the * cursor structure. find_lightpen: clr 2,u; * Clear "found this pass" flag jsr intensity_to_7F; jsr reset0ref; ldd 0,u; * Move to last known location jsr move_pen7F_to_d; ldx #dot_pattern; * Draw a dot; check for pick ldb #$04; jsr draw_with_pick_check; tsta; bne search_4_lightpen; inc 2,u; * Lightpen was found lda #$FF; sta 5,u; rts; search_4_lightpen: tst 5,u; * Don't bother searching if lightpen bne continue_lightpen_search; * wasn't found rts; * last pass. continue_lightpen_search: jsr reset0ref; * Draw the spider web, with an ldx #small_search_pattern_vl; * increasing scale lda 2,u; * factor, until either the light cmpa #$04; * pen is found, or the last scale blt P09B7; * factor is reached. ldx #large_search_pattern_vl; P09B7: ldd 0,u; jsr move_pen7F_to_d; ldy #search_pattern_scale_factors; lda 2,u; ldb a,y; bne draw_search_pattern; jsr reset0ref; clr 2,u; * Flag that cursor is 'lost' clr 5,u; * to the lightpen. rts; draw_search_pattern: ldy 10,u; * Get line pattern array pointer jsr display_search_pattern; cmpa #$FF; * Check for a pick. bne lightpen_found; inc 2,u; * Increment the scale factor. bra search_4_lightpen; lightpen_found: ldx #cursor_deltas; deca; * Decrement the index of the picked asla; * point, & convert to word index. ldd a,x; * Load x & y delta values, and save std 3,u; * in the cursor structure. ldx #delta_multipliers; ldb 2,u; * Use the scale factor index to get lda b,x; * the correct delta multiplier. pshs a; ldb 3,u; * Generate new y delta. jsr generate_new_cursor_coordinate; stb 3,u; puls a; ldb 4,u; * Generate new x delta. jsr generate_new_cursor_coordinate; stb 4,u; lda #$FF; * Flag that the cursor is picked sta 2,u; sta 5,u; rts; * * generate_new_cursor_coordinate() * * This routine calulates the new cursor delta, * by multiplying a delta value (-1, 0, +1) by * a scale multiplier. * * At entry: * 'b' = coordinate delta. * 'a' = scale multiplier. generate_new_cursor_coordinate: pshs b; tstb; bpl P0A0B; negb; P0A0B: mul; puls a; tsta; bpl P0A12; negb; P0A12: rts; * * display_search_pattern() * * This routine draws the series of vectors, specified in * the structure pointed to by they 'x' register. The 'y' * 'y' register points to an array of line patterns * associated with each vector. The scale factor to be used * is specified in 'b'. A pattern of '1' terminates this * routine. If a pick is detected, then the index of the * vector being drawn is returned in the 'a' register; * if no pick occurred, then $FF is returned. This is used * when drawing the spider web search patterns. * * At entry: * 'b' = scale factor * 'x' = vector list ptr (rel y, rel x) * 'y' = line pattern array ptr * * At exit: * 'a' = $FF => no pick occurred. * otherwise, indicates which vector was picked. display_search_pattern: lda #$FF; sta $0000; clr -1,s; * Keeps track of current vector index lda #$FF; sta -2,s; * Keeps index of picked vector stb <$04; P0A20: ldd 0,x; sta <$01; clr <$00; leax 2,x; inc <$00; stb <$01; lda ,y+; sta <$0A; clr <$05; ldd #$0040; P0A35: bitb <$0D; beq P0A35; exg x,x; sta <$0A; lda <$0D; * Check for a lightpen pick anda #$02; beq P0A47; lda -1,s; sta -2,s; * Save index of picked vector. P0A47: inc -1,s; * Increment index. lda 0,y; ble P0A20; lda -2,s; * Return index of picked vector. rts; dot_pattern: DB $FF; DB $00; DB $00; DB $01; * * The following 5 arrays contain the line patterns * used when drawing the spider web search pattern. * Depending upon which set of line patterns are used, * either the whole pattern, the left side, or right side, * or upper portion, or lower portion will be drawn. whole_search_pattern: DB $00; DB $FF; DB $FF; DB $FF; DB $FF; DB $FF; DB $FF; DB $FF; DB $FF; DB $01; lower_search_pattern: DB $00; DB $00; DB $FF; DB $FF; DB $FF; DB $FF; DB $FF; DB $00; DB $00; DB $01; upper_search_pattern: DB $00; DB $FF; DB $FF; DB $00; DB $00; DB $00; DB $FF; DB $FF; DB $FF; DB $01; right_search_pattern: DB $00; DB $FF; DB $FF; DB $FF; DB $FF; DB $00; DB $00; DB $00; DB $FF; DB $01; left_search_pattern: DB $00; DB $00; DB $00; DB $00; DB $FF; DB $FF; DB $FF; DB $FF; DB $FF; DB $01; small_search_pattern_vl: DB $10; DB $08; DB $F8; DB $08; DB $F0; DB $00; DB $F8; DB $F8; DB $00; DB $F0; DB $08; DB $F8; DB $10; DB $00; DB $08; DB $08; DB $00; DB $10; large_search_pattern_vl: DB $40; DB $20; DB $E0; DB $20; DB $C0; DB $00; DB $E0; DB $E0; DB $00; DB $C0; DB $20; DB $E0; DB $40; DB $00; DB $20; DB $20; DB $00; DB $40; * * These are (y,x) delta pairs, which are added * to the cursor position, to line the cursor up * with the lightpen. The pair used depends upon * which vector of the search pattern was picked. cursor_deltas: DB $01; DB $01; DB $00; DB $01; DB $FF; DB $01; DB $FF; DB $00; DB $FF; DB $FF; DB $00; DB $FF; DB $01; DB $FF; DB $01; DB $00; * * This is an array of multiplier values, used when * updating the cursors position so that is tracks * the lightpen. The scale factor index used to * draw the search pattern is also used to index into * this byte array. As the scale factor increases, so * does the multiplier value. delta_multipliers: DB $01; DB $02; DB $03; DB $05; DB $08; DB $0B; DB $0E; DB $12; DB $16; DB $1C; * * This array contains the scale factors to be used * when drawing the search patterns. search_pattern_scale_factors: DB $08; DB $12; DB $1E; DB $2C; DB $0E; DB $14; DB $1A; DB $22; DB $2C; DB $38; DB $00; * * print_with_pick_check(string_ptr) * * This procedure checks to see if a pick occurred * on the previous pass through the main loop (C81E != 0). * If a pick did not occur, then the passed in string * is displayed. However, if a pick did occur on the * previous pass, then a check is made to see if this * is the string which was picked (the string address * is compared against that which was saved in C81C). * If this is not the string which was last picked, then * this string will not be displayed. If this was the * string which was picked, then we will display it. * If we do display the string, then afterwards, we will * check to see if a pick occurred, and if so, then we * will hi-light the string, and save its address in C81C. * * This routine is useful for display menus with multiple * choices. When one choice is selected, the others will * not be displayed. Once a string is no longer selected, * then all of the choices will once again be displayed. * * At entry: 'u' must point to the string block. print_with_pick_check: inc $C820; jsr reset0ref; stu $C880; tst $C81E; beq P0AE4; tfr u,x; cmpx $C81C; bne P0AEC; P0AE4: jsr am_print_string; tst $C89E; bne hilite_string; P0AEC: rts; * * hilite_string() * * This routine is used by print_with_pick_check() to * hi-lite a string once it is picked, and to set several * globals, so that other routine will know a pick occurred. * The address of the string block is in C880. A copy of * this address will then be saved in C81C, and C89E and * C81B will be set to one (to flag that a pick occurred). hilite_string: stu $C882; ldu $C880; stu $C81C; jsr am_print_string; ldu $C880; jsr am_print_string; ldu $C880; jsr am_print_string; ldu $C880; jsr am_print_string; lda #$01; sta $C89E; sta $C81B; ldu $C882; tfr u,x; rts; * * am_print_string() * * Prints a string of character, terminated by $80. * At entry, the 'u' register must point to a block * having the following format: * * 1 byte height of string * 1 byte width of string * 1 byte rel y location * 1 byte rel x location * 2 byte pointer to start of string * * At exit: C89E will be set if a pick occurred. am_print_string: ldd ,u++; std $C82A; ldd ,u++; jsr move_pen7F_to_d; ldu 0,u; stu $C82C; leau -1,u; stu $C84F; clr <$0D; clr $C89E; ldx #$F9D4; ldd #$1883; clr <$01; sta <$0B; P0B3C: stb <$00; dec <$00; ldd #$8081; nop; inc <$00; stb <$00; sta <$00; tst $C800; inc <$00; lda $C82B; sta <$01; ldd #$0100; ldu $C82C; sta <$00; bra P0B62; P0B5E: lda a,x; sta <$0A; P0B62: lda ,u+; bpl P0B5E; lda <$0D; * Record any picks. anda #$02; ora $C89E; sta $C89E; nop; lda #$81; sta <$00; neg <$01; lda #$01; sta <$00; cmpx #$FBB4; beq P0BAD; leax $50,x; tfr u,d; subd $C84F; subb #$02; aslb; brn P0B8D; P0B8D: lda #$81; nop; decb; bne P0B8D; sta <$00; ldb $C82A; stb <$01; dec <$00; ldd #$8101; nop; sta <$00; clr <$01; stb <$00; sta <$00; ldb #$83; jmp P0B3C; P0BAD: lda #$98; sta <$0B; jmp reset0ref; SM_DOT_STR: DB $E8; DB $20; DB $80; DB $C0; DB $0B; DB $BA; DB "DOT", $80; SM_LINE_STR: DB $E8; DB $20; DB $80; DB $C0; DB $0B; DB $C4; DB "LINE", $80; * * This describes the initial cursor state. initial_cursor_state: DB $00; DB $00; DB $78; DB $88; DB $90; DB $78; * * start_of_sketch_connect() * * This is the starting point for the SKETCH and * the CONNECT main menu items. start_of_sketch_connect: jsr init_sketch_connect_variables; ldu #$C889; ldx #initial_cursor_state; jsr set_cursor_structure; ldx #sketch_connect_handler; stx $C8A7; * * sketch_connect_handler() * * This is the real main loop routine for the sketch * and connect operatons. It takes care of reading * the buttons, and calling any button handlers, as * needed. It is invoked only through the indirect * jump location, by the main loop. sketch_connect_handler: clr $C82E; tst $C8A6; * Check button 4, iff in connect mode beq P0BF1; tst $C815; * Check button 4;(dot/lines) beq P0BF1; com $C8A5; * Complement dot/connect flag P0BF1: jsr display_sc_menu; jsr sketch_connect_draw_vector_list; ldx #fan_handler; tst $C812; * Check button 1;(draw) bne sc_start_draw; tst $C8A6; * Check button 4, iff in sketch mode bne P0C09; tst $C815; * Check button 4;(fan) bne sc_start_fan; P0C09: tst $C813; * Check button 2;(rubber band line) bne sc_start_rubber_band_line; rts; * * sc_start_draw() * sc_start_fan() * * These two entry points are responsible for initializing * things when either button 1 (draw) or button 4 (fan) * are pressed during SKETCH or CONNECT modes. They will * set up a new indirect jump handler, save the current * cursor position, and initialize some variables. sc_start_draw: ldx #sc_draw_handler; sc_start_fan: lda $C8A3; * Don't bother, if the vector cmpa #$FB; * list is already full. blo P0C1A; rts; P0C1A: stx $C8A7; * Save new indirect jump handler. ldb #$03; ldx #$C8A9; * Load 'x' with pointer to next mul; * free spot in the vector list leax d,x; * buffer. clr 0,x; ldd $C889; * Fill this spot, using the current std 1,x; * cursor position. inc $C8A3; * Increment the vector counter. lda #$05; * # of pts to draw relative 2 starting sta $C8A4; * pt, be4 forcing new absolute ref pt. ldd $C889; * Save current cursor position. std $C89B; std $C82F; lda #$08; sta $C896; * Stores reset value for counter. sta $C895; * Active counter; endpoint is fixed rts; * when this goes to 0. * * sc_start_rubber_band_line() * * This entry point is responsible for setting up the * indirect jump location, and initializing variables * when button 2 (rubber band line) is pressed during * either SKETCH or CONNECT mode. sc_start_rubber_band_line: ldd $C889; * Save current cursor position. std $C89B; ldx #rubber_band_line_handler; lda $C8A3; * Don't bother if the vector list cmpa #$FB; * is already full. blo P0C57; rts; P0C57: stx $C8A7; * Save new indirect jump handler. rts; * * sc_draw_handler() * * This is the routine which draws lines/dots when * button 1 is depressed. It is invoked only through * the indirect jump location. It is used only when * either SKETCH or CONNECT modes are active. sc_draw_handler: jsr display_sc_menu; jsr sketch_connect_draw_vector_list; lda $C80F; * Check if button 1 is still pressed. anda #$01; bne P0C72; jsr get_new_endpoint; ldx #sketch_connect_handler; stx $C8A7; rts; P0C72: ldd $C89B; * Don't continue, if the cursor has cmpd $C889; * not moved since last point. bne fix_endpoint; rts; fix_endpoint: tst $C895; * Wait for counter (C895) to decrement beq P0C85; * to zero, before fixing endpoint. dec $C895; rts; P0C85: jsr get_new_endpoint; ldd $C889; * Move the starting point for next std $C89B; * vector to previous vectors endpt. lda $C896; sta $C895; * Reset 'fix endpoint' counter. rts; * * fan_handler() * * As long as the user has button 4 pressed, a fan * pattern will be drawn. Once button 4 is released, * control will return to the sketch/connect handler. fan_handler: lda #$FF; * Flag that 'fan' is being done. sta $C82E; clr $C8A4; jsr display_sc_menu; jsr sketch_connect_draw_vector_list; lda $C80F; * Check if button 4 is still pressed anda #$08; bne continue_drawing_fan; jsr get_new_endpoint; ldx #sketch_connect_handler; stx $C8A7; clr $C82E; rts; continue_drawing_fan: ldd $C89B; * Don't add a new line, unless cmpd $C889; * the cursor position has changed. bne P0CC1; rts; P0CC1: tst $C895; * Don't fix next fan endpt, until beq P0CCA; * 'fix point' counter has decremented dec $C895; * to zero. rts; P0CCA: jsr get_new_endpoint; ldd $C889; * Set starting point for next vector std $C89B; * equal to last vectors endpoint. lda $C896; sta $C895; * Reset 'fix endpoint' counter. rts; * * rubber_band_line_handler() * * This is the handler routine while the user is * drawing a rubber band line during sketch or connect * modes. The rubber band line will continue until the * user stops pressing button 2. This routine is only * invoked through the indirect jump location. rubber_band_line_handler: jsr display_sc_menu; jsr sketch_connect_draw_vector_list; lda $C80F; * See if button 2 still depressed anda #$02; bne continue_rb_line; clr $C8A4; * Clear the relative point counter. jsr get_new_endpoint; ldx #sketch_connect_handler; stx $C8A7; rts; continue_rb_line: tst $C8A6; * Draw the rubber band line from the beq P0CFE; * originat point to the current cursor tst $C8A5; * position, unless in DOT mode. bne P0D0B; P0CFE: jsr intensity_to_7F; ldx #$C89B; ldy #$C889; jsr draw_vector_with_pick_check; P0D0B: rts; HDR_CONNECT_STR: DB $E8; DB $40; DB $7F; DB $E8; DB $0D; DB $12; DB "CONNECT", $80; HDR_SKETCH_STR: DB $E8; DB $40; DB $7F; DB $E8; DB $0D; DB $20; DB "SKETCH", $80; * * display_sc_menu() * * This procedure displays either the SKETCH or CONNECT * header (as an unpickable string), and then also displays * the ERASE, MENU and DOT/LINE sub-items (as pickable strings) * It then checks to see if any of these items were picked, * and handles them is they were. Also displays the cursor. display_sc_menu: jsr intensity_to_7F; jsr reset0ref; tst $C8A6; * See if in sketch or connect mode beq P0D48; ldu #HDR_CONNECT_STR; * CONNECT mode jsr am_print_string; ldu #SM_DOT_STR; * Display DOT or LINE item tst $C8A5; bne P0D43; ldu #SM_LINE_STR; P0D43: jsr am_print_string; bra P0D4E; P0D48: ldu #HDR_SKETCH_STR; * SKETCH mode jsr am_print_string; P0D4E: lda #$60; * Draw cursor at current jsr intensity_to_a; * position. ldd $C889; jsr am_move_to_d; ldx #cross; ldb #$0A; jsr draw_with_pick_check; jsr intensity_to_7F; ldu #$C889; * If cursor is picked, then tst 2,u; * draw it brighter. beq P0D7C; jsr reset0ref; ldd $C889; jsr am_move_to_d; ldb #$0A; ldx #cross; jsr draw_with_pick_check; P0D7C: jsr update_cursor_position; ldu #SM_ERASE_STR; * Print ERASE item jsr print_with_pick_check; lda $C80F; * Check if button 3 anda #$04; * is pressed and item is beq P0D98; * picked. tst $C89E; beq P0D98; ldx #start_of_sketch_connect; stx $C8A7; rts; P0D98: ldu #SM_MENU_STR; * Print MENU item jsr print_with_pick_check; lda $C80F; * Check if button 3 is anda #$04; * pressed and item is picked beq P0DB0; tst $C89E; beq P0DB0; ldx #display_main_menu; stx $C8A7; P0DB0: rts; DB $39; * "9" * * gen_vec_endpoint_recal ;generate_vector_endpoint_and_recalibrate() * * This routine generates an endpoint for a vector. * If the relative point counter (C8A4) has decremented * to zero, then we will add an absolute reference point * to the vector list, to prevent our vectors from getting * too far out of whack; this is done after every 5 points. * * At entry: * C8A4 contains the relative point counter. * 'a' has index of next available spot in vector list. * C89B contains starting point for this vector. * C82F contains starting point for the fan. * C82E flags DRAW .vs. FAN mode. * C8A3 has index of next available spot in vector list. * * At exit: * C881-C882 contains new vector endpoint. * 'u' points to next available spot in vector list. gen_vec_endpoint_recal: ;generate_vector_endpoint_and_recalibrate tst $C8A4; * If the relative pt counter has gone bne P0DD6; * to zero, then force another absolute ldb #$03; * ref point. ldx #$C8A9; mul; leax d,x; clr 0,x; * Flag an absolute reference point. ldd $C89B; * Get starting pt for this vector; if tst $C82E; * DRAW mode, then use last cursor beq P0DCC; * position; else, use cursor position ldd $C82F; * for beginning of fan. P0DCC: std 1,x; * Save abs ref point. inc $C8A3; * Increment vector counter. lda #$05; * Reset the relative point counter. sta $C8A4; P0DD6: ldu #$C8A9; lda $C8A3; * Load 'u' with pointer to current ldb #$03; * work spot in the vector list. mul; leau d,u; ldx #$C89B; * Calculate endpt for this vector. ldy #$C889; tst $C82E; beq P0DF0; ldx #$C82F; P0DF0: jsr calculate_vector_endpoint; inc $C8A3; * Increment vector list counter. dec $C8A4; * Decrement relative point counter. rts; * * get_new_endpoint() * * This routine checks to see how many vectors or dots * we have available for use. The current number of * vectors or dots drawn is stored in C8A3. If we * have already reached the limit, then return without * doing anything. Otherwise, if we are close to the * limit, then make a sound, and flag that we are close, * by setting C829; this flag will prevent us from making * the sound more than once. Also, it will generate the * scale factor and coordinates for the current vector. * These pieces of information are then stored in the * vector list. get_new_endpoint: lda $C8A3; * See if we have surpassed limit cmpa #$FD; blo P0E02; rts; P0E02: tst $C829; * Don't make sound more than once bne P0E14; cmpa #$EE; * See if we're near limit blo P0E14; inc $C829; jsr set_up_a_misc_sound1; lda $C8A3; P0E14: jsr gen_vec_endpoint_recal ;generate_vector_endpoint_and_recalibrate; stb 0,u; * Save scale factor. ldd $C881; std 1,u; * Save vector endpoints. rts; * * init_sketch_connect_variables() * * This routine is invoked when the sketch/connect * handler is first called. It is responsible for * initializing the vector list residing in RAM at * C8A9-CBA5 to $FF. It also initializes some RAM * locations to 0. init_sketch_connect_variables: ldx #$C8A9; lda #$FF; P0E24: sta ,x+; cmpx #$CBA6; bne P0E24; clr $C8A3; * Vector counter. clr $C8A4; * Relative point counter. clr $C829; * Buffer almost full flag. clr $C856; * Sound duration. rts; * * sketch_connect_draw_vector_list() * * This routine goes through the vector list, performing * all of the move and draw requests currently therein. * It does this by drawing all of the points relative to * to the last absolute reference point, until a new * absolute reference point is encountered. At this point * it will recalibrate things, and then move to the new * absolute reference point, and continue drawing. This * will continue until the end of the vector list is * encountered. The vector list has the following format: * * scale, rel y, rel x * * If 'scale' is $FF, then this is the end of the list. * If 'scale' is $00, then the corresponding (y,x) are * really a new absolute reference point, not relative * points. * If 'scale' is positive, then draw to new point. * If 'scale' is negative, then move to new point. sketch_connect_draw_vector_list: lda #$60; * Set up vector intensity. jsr intensity_to_a; ldx #$C8A9; * Start drawing vector list. P0E40: jsr draw_relative_points; tsta; beq move_to_abs_ref_point; jsr reset0ref; rts; move_to_abs_ref_point: jsr reset0ref; * Reset zero reference. ldd ,x++; * Move to abs ref point. jsr am_move_to_d; bra P0E40; * * draw_relative_points() * * This routine draw all of the vector in the vector * list, which are relative to the current absolute * reference point. When the end of the vector list * or a new absolute reference point is encountered, * this routine will return. * * At entry: * 'x' points to the vector list. * * At exit: * 'a' contains scale factor for terminating point. draw_relative_points: lda ,x+; * Load scale factor; return if it bne P0E59; * flags a new abs reference point. rts; P0E59: cmpa #$FF; * Check 4 the end of the vector list. bne P0E5E; rts; P0E5E: tst $C8A6; * Check for LINE or DOT mode. beq sc_draw_to_point; tst $C8A5; bne sc_move_to_point; sc_draw_to_point: tsta; * Check for move/draw operation. bmi sc_move_to_point; ldb #$FF; stb $C880; jsr am_draw_with_pattern; bra draw_relative_points; sc_move_to_point: com <$0A; exg x,x; exg x,x; com <$0A; anda #$7F; clr $C880; * Clear vector pattern. jsr am_draw_with_pattern; com <$0A; exg x,x; exg x,x; clr <$0A; bra draw_relative_points; * * am_draw_with_pattern (point, scale_index, pattern) * * This moves the cursor to a particular point, * using one of several scale factors, and a line * pattern specified in C880. * At entry: 'x' points to vector list of rel y, relx. * 'a' has index into scale factor array. * C880 has line pattern. am_draw_with_pattern: ldu #am_scale_factors; lda a,u; * Load the scale factor sta <$04; ldd ,x++; * Load vector endpoints sta <$01; clr <$00; lda $C880; * Load line pattern from C880 inc <$00; stb <$01; clr <$05; sta <$0A; lda #$40; P0EA9: bita <$0D; beq P0EA9; nop; nop; clr <$0A; * Clear the line pattern rts; * * am_move_to_d() * * This routine does a quick move to the point * specified in the 'd' register (a = rel y, * b = rel x). A scale factor of $7F is used. am_move_to_d: sta <$01; clr <$00; lda #$7F; sta <$04; lda #$CE; sta <$0C; lda #$40; * "@" inc <$00; stb <$01; clr <$05; P0EC6: bita <$0D; beq P0EC6; rts; * * check_for_end_of_sound() * * This routine checks to see if the current * miscellaneous sound has completed, by checking * the value in C856. When it reaches zero, the * sound is done. check_for_end_of_sound: tst $C856; bne P0ED4; jsr init_music_buf; rts; P0ED4: dec $C856; rts; * * set_up_a_misc_sound1() * set_up_a_misc_sound2(sound) * * Both of these routines cause a sound to be * made. If set_up_a_misc_sound1() is used, * then the sound to be made is defined by * writing the value $0050 to reg 0 & reg 1 * on the sound chip. If set_up_a_misc_sound2() * is used, then the value passed in in the 'd' * register defines the sound. The duration of * the sound is stored in C856. set_up_a_misc_sound1: ldd #$0050; set_up_a_misc_sound2: std $C84B; lda #$3E; * ">" sta $C845; lda #$0A; sta $C844; lda #$05; sta $C856; rts; AM_music: DW $FE28; DW $FEB6; DB $A6; DB $0A; DB $10; DB $98; DB $0A; DB $0C; DB $96; DB $0A; DB $04; DB $98; DB $0C; DB $10; DB $96; DB $0C; DB $0C; DB $95; DB $0C; DB $04; DB $96; DB $07; DB $10; DB $95; DB $07; DB $0C; DB $93; DB $07; DB $04; DB $95; DB $1A; DB $10; DB $92; DB $1A; DB $10; DB $3F; * "?" 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